Prashant Kishor Predicts BJP's Dominance in Upcoming Elections

Prashant Kishor Predicts BJP's Dominance in Upcoming Elections
Prashant Kishor
1st June, 2024.

In a bold prediction, Prashant Kishor, a renowned Indian political strategist, has forecasted a massive and easy victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the 2024 elections. PK shared his insights on the party's performance in various states.

According to PK, the BJP will be the top-performing party in West Bengal, increasing its seats significantly. He also predicted that the party will make considerable gains in East and South India, where it has traditionally been weak. Additionally, PK forecasted no major losses for the BJP in North and West India, which are its stronghold.

PK's predictions were made by comparing the opposition leaders to "losers" and "lazy", stating that he doesn't need any certificate from them. He emphasized that these people are not winning and expect him to say something which he does not see.

PK also criticized the opposition leaders, calling them "not smart" and saying they don't do "smart work/hard work".