Part of Terminal 1 at Delhi Airport Collapses

A devastating incident occurred at Delhi Airport's Terminal 1, where a part of the structure collapsed, resulting in loss of life. The news sent shockwaves across the country.

Part of Terminal 1 at Delhi Airport Collapses
Terminal 1 Collapses
Fri, 28 Jun 2024

A devastating incident has occurred at the Delhi Airport's Terminal 1, where a part of the structure collapsed, resulting in loss of life. The news has sent shockwaves across the country, with people expressing their condolences and demanding answers from the authorities.

The controversy surrounding the incident is not just about the tragedy itself but also about the narrative being spun by both sides. While the BJP has pointed out that the part of the terminal was constructed during the UPA era, the Congress party has countered this claim by saying that it was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi just three months ago.

The debate over when exactly the terminal was inaugurated highlights the importance of effective communication in such situations. Rather than engaging in a war of words on social media, the concerned ministry could have held a press conference to acknowledge the tragedy and take responsibility for ensuring that those accountable are held liable.

As the investigation into the incident continues, questions will remain about how such a tragedy could occur. The focus now should be on providing support to the affected families and ensuring that measures are put in place to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Published by Chronicles Of India. Scroll down to read more