Indian Defence Successfully Tests High-Speed Aerial Target

The Indian defence sector has successfully tested its High Speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) 'ABHYAS'. The trials showcased enhanced capabilities and demonstrated radar cross-section, visual, and infrared augmentation systems.

Indian Defence Successfully Tests High-Speed Aerial Target
Thu, 27 Jun 2024

The Indian defence sector has made significant progress with the successful completion of developmental trials for the High Speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) 'ABHYAS'. The advanced aerial target was tested with an improved booster configuration, showcasing its enhanced capabilities.

As part of the trial, the HEAT 'ABHYAS' demonstrated its radar cross-section, visual, and infrared augmentation systems. These systems enable the target to be tracked and detected more effectively.

The successful testing of the HEAT 'ABHYAS' is a testament to India's defence capabilities. The aerial target has been designed to meet the evolving needs of the Indian military, providing an advanced platform for training and testing purposes.

The trials have reportedly demonstrated the system's ability to simulate real-world scenarios, allowing military personnel to hone their skills in a realistic environment.

Published by Chronicles Of India. Scroll down to read more