Ola Krutrim Cloud GPUs Now Available for Indian Developers

Krutrim AI launches Cloud GPUs on demand, priced in rupees, to cater specifically to Indian developers' needs. A contest invites innovative ideas, with top 10 winners getting their AI cloud needs sponsored.

Ola Krutrim Cloud GPUs Now Available for Indian Developers
Fri, 28 Jun 2024

Indian developers now have access to a powerful tool that can revolutionize their work. Krutrim AI has announced the launch of Cloud GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) on demand, priced in rupees for all developers in India.

This innovative solution is designed to cater specifically to the needs of Indian developers, making it more accessible and affordable. The announcement was made by Bhavish Aggarwal, founder of Krutrim AI and Ola, who tweeted about the launch, inviting developers to share their ideas on what they would build using AI for India.

The top 10 innovative ideas will have their AI cloud needs sponsored completely by Krutrim AI. The contest has already generated excitement among Indian developers, with many taking to social media platforms like Twitter to share their thoughts and ideas.

As the contest heats up, developers are eagerly sharing their ideas and showcasing their creative potential. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their excitement about the prospect of working with Krutrim AI's Cloud GPUs.

Published by Chronicles Of India. Scroll down to read more