India Achieves Green Milestone in Forest Cover

India has made significant strides in increasing its forest cover, a crucial step towards preserving the country's natural heritage. The total forest cover stands at 7.13 lakh square kilometres, constituting 21.71% of India's geographical area.

India Achieves Green Milestone in Forest Cover
Wed, 03 Jul 2024

India has made significant strides in increasing its forest cover, a crucial step towards preserving the country's natural heritage. According to the latest India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021, the total forest cover of the country stands at 7.13 lakh square kilometres, constituting 21.71% of India's geographical area.

The consistent and innovative efforts made at both national and grassroots levels have contributed to this remarkable achievement. The country has been working towards increasing its forest cover through various initiatives, including afforestation and reforestation programs.

These efforts have not only helped in preserving biodiversity but also played a crucial role in combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.

As India continues to strive for sustainable development, it is essential that the country's forest cover remains a priority area of focus. The government and civil society must work together to ensure that the momentum gained in increasing forest cover is maintained and built upon.

Published by Chronicles Of India. Scroll down to read more