Thousands of Dead Fish Found on Chitkul Lake

Thousands of dead fish have been found floating on Chitkul Lake near Hyderabad, allegedly due to chemical pollution. The incident has raised concerns among environmental activists and locals alike.

Tue, 02 Jul 2024

In a shocking revelation, thousands of dead fish have been spotted floating on the Chitkul Lake near Hyderabad. According to local villagers, the mass die-off is attributed to chemical pollution released by companies in the area.

The alarming incident has raised concerns among environmental activists and locals alike. The exact cause of the fish kill remains unclear, but villagers point fingers at nearby industries that discharge harmful chemicals into the lake's ecosystem.

While officials have yet to comment on the matter, residents are demanding immediate action to address this ecological crisis.

The fate of Chitkul Lake's aquatic life hangs in the balance as the investigation unfolds. One thing is certain - urgent action is needed to address this ecological emergency.

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