Taxes in India: A Burden or a Necessity?

The tax system in India is complex and can be overwhelming. Despite the frustration, taxes are an essential part of any functioning government, helping to fund public services and infrastructure.

Taxes in India: A Burden or a Necessity?
Sun, 23 Jun 2024

Lakshay Chaudhary's recent tweet highlights the frustration many Indians face when it comes to paying taxes. The list of taxes mentioned is staggering - income tax, GST on every business transaction, taxes on everyday items from food packets to cars, and more. It's no wonder that people are left wondering why they should pay such a high cost.

One of the main reasons for this frustration is the lack of benefits provided in return for paying taxes. Medical insurance, free education, and privileges for families are just a few things that many feel are lacking. The tweet also mentions purchasing vehicles at inflated prices, toll taxes, road taxes, and house taxes as additional burdens.

The question remains, why should one pay taxes? Unfortunately, there isn't a simple answer. Taxes are an essential part of any functioning government, and they help fund public services and infrastructure.

Ultimately, the decision to continue paying taxes or not is a personal one. Some may choose to leave the country if they feel that the tax burden is too great, while others may find ways to work around the system.

Published by Chronicles Of India. Scroll down to read more